Oxygen XML Editor 12.2 Author API

Interface RelativeReferenceResolver

public interface RelativeReferenceResolver

Control the way in which a relative reference is computed in Oxygen for a given protocol.


EXPERIMENTAL - Subject to change

Please note that this API is not marked as final and it can change in one of the next versions of the application. If you have suggestions, comments about it, please let us know.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String makeRelative(java.net.URL baseURL, java.net.URL childURL)
          Makes a relative path expressed to the base file from the child.

Method Detail


java.lang.String makeRelative(java.net.URL baseURL,
                              java.net.URL childURL)
Makes a relative path expressed to the base file from the child. If is not possible, the child is returned.

Example of the default implementation: Base: "file://c:/projects/exml/base.prx", Child "file://c:/projects/exml/test/someTest.xml"

Result: "test/someTest.xml"

baseURL - the base URL to report at. Cannot be null
childURL - the child URL. Cannot be null.
an relative expression. Return null to use the default implementation.

Oxygen XML Editor 12.2 Author API

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