Oxygen XML Editor 12.2 Author API

Interface InputURLChooserCustomizer

public interface InputURLChooserCustomizer

Customize the actions which appear in any Input URL chooser from Oxygen.


EXPERIMENTAL - Subject to change

Please note that this API is not marked as final and it can change in one of the next versions of the application. If you have suggestions, comments about it, please let us know.

Method Summary
 void customizeBrowseActions(java.util.List<javax.swing.Action> existingBrowseActions, InputURLChooser chooser)
          Contribute if necessary to the list of "Browse" actions which appear in any Input URL chooser for Oxygen.

Method Detail


void customizeBrowseActions(java.util.List<javax.swing.Action> existingBrowseActions,
                            InputURLChooser chooser)
Contribute if necessary to the list of "Browse" actions which appear in any Input URL chooser for Oxygen.

existingBrowseActions - The existing list of actions. The first action in the list will be the default one (performed when the drop-down button is clicked).
Note: If a new action is added to the browse action list, a custom icon must be set on the action for situations when its text is not used for display.
chooser - The chooser which will get called to set the new URL by the custom code after the user has chosen the new URL.

Oxygen XML Editor 12.2 Author API

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