Oxygen XML Editor 12.2 Author API

Package ro.sync.ecss.extensions.commons.table.operations

Interface Summary
AuthorTableHelper Document type specific table information helper.
TableCustomizerConstants Constants used to choose certain table attributes.

Class Summary
AbstractTableOperation Base class for table operations.
DeleteColumnOperationBase Base implementation for operations used to delete a table column.
DeleteRowOperationBase Operation used to delete a table row.
ECTableCustomizerDialog Dialog used to customize the insertion of a generic table (number of rows, columns, table caption).
InsertColumnOperationBase Operation used to insert a table column.
InsertRowOperationBase Abstract class for operation used to insert a table row.
JoinCellAboveBelowOperationBase Operation for joining the content of two cells in the same column, from adjacent rows.
JoinRowCellsOperationBase Operation used to join the content of two or more cells from a table row.
ListContentProvider Empty implementation for the general purpose list (Collection) content provider.
SATableCustomizerDialog Dialog used to customize the insertion of a table (number of rows, columns, table caption).
SplitCellAboveBelowOperationBase Base operation for splitting a table cell.
SplitLeftRightOperationBase Operation for splitting a table cell.
TableInfo Contains information about the table element (number of rows, columns, table title).

Enum Summary
TableCustomizerConstants.ColumnWidthsType Column widths specifications

Oxygen XML Editor 12.2 Author API

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