Oxygen XML Editor 12.2 Author API

Interface AuthorPopupMenuCustomizer

All Known Implementing Classes:
AuthorBreadCrumbCustomizer, AuthorOutlineCustomizer

public interface AuthorPopupMenuCustomizer

Can be used to customize a pop-up menu before showing it.


Method Summary
 void customizePopUpMenu(java.lang.Object popUp, AuthorAccess authorAccess)
          Customize a pop-up menu in the Author page before showing it.

Method Detail


void customizePopUpMenu(java.lang.Object popUp,
                        AuthorAccess authorAccess)
Customize a pop-up menu in the Author page before showing it. If everything is removed then the menu will not be shown.
For the standalone implementation the object is a JPopupMenu.
For the eclipse implementation the object is a IMenuManager.

popUp - The pop-up Menu.
authorAccess - Access class to the author functions.

Oxygen XML Editor 12.2 Author API

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