Oxygen XML Editor 12.2 Author API

Interface AuthorNodeRendererCustomizer

All Known Implementing Classes:
AuthorBreadCrumbCustomizer, AuthorOutlineCustomizer

public interface AuthorNodeRendererCustomizer

Customize rendering information for an AuthorNode


Method Summary
 void customizeRenderingInformation(RenderingInformation renderInfo)
          Customize the tooltip, text and additional info to be presented in the Outline and Breadcrumb for the given node.

Method Detail


void customizeRenderingInformation(RenderingInformation renderInfo)
Customize the tooltip, text and additional info to be presented in the Outline and Breadcrumb for the given node. By default a node is represented in the Outline by its tag name and a additional information obtained from a specific attribute or text. You can set custom values for each rendered field.

renderInfo - The default information which will get displayed. You can set custom values for each field

Oxygen XML Editor 12.2 Author API

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