Oxygen XML Editor 12.2 Author API

Package ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api

Interface Summary
ArgumentsMap Map between argument names and values.
AttributeChangedEvent Event received by the AuthorListener when an Author attribute has been changed.
AttributesValueEditor Editor for attribute values.
AuthorAccess Access class to the author functions.
AuthorAccessDeprecated Contains methods that are deprecated in the AuthorAccess and should no longer be used.
AuthorCaretListener Listener for changes in the caret position of the Author editor page.
AuthorChangeTrackingController Controls the change tracking mode.
AuthorConstants Interface containing the constants used in Author API.
AuthorDocumentController Provides methods for modifying the Author document.
AuthorDocumentEvent Marker interface for all document change related events.
AuthorDocumentFilterBypass Used as a way to circumvent calling back into the AuthorDocumentController to change the AuthorDocument.
AuthorExtensionStateListener Notified when the Author extension where the listener is defined was activated or deactivated in the detection process.
AuthorListener Listener notified about Author document changes, document structure changes and document content changes.
AuthorMouseListener Interface for the author mouse listeners.
AuthorOperation Interface defining an author extension operation.
AuthorReferenceResolver Interface for the custom handlers used to expand content references.
AuthorReviewController Controller that can be used to toggle the change tracking state, modify the review highlight author name, the highlight painting or to obtain information about the properties used in the serialization and representation of the review highlight (author name, reviewer auto color or the current time stamp in a format identical to the one used by Oxygen for insert, delete and comment review highlights).
AuthorSchemaAwareEditingHandler If Schema Aware mode is active in Oxygen, all actions that can generate invalid content will be redirected toward this handler.
AuthorSchemaManager Author schema manager.
AuthorTableCellSpanProvider This is an interface for classes which are responsible for providing information about the cell spanning.
AuthorTableColumnWidthProvider This is an interface for classes which are responsible for providing information and handling modifications regarding table and column widths.
AuthorViewToModelInfo An implementation of this interface is returned by the WSAuthorEditorPageBase.viewToModel(int, int) method.
AWTExtension The base interface for all AWT Oxygen extension classes.
ClassPathResourcesAccess Provides access to all URLs which were added in the classpath for the specific framework when the document type was edited from the Oxygen preferences.
Content Interface to describe a sequence of character content that can be edited.
DITAMapReferencesResolver Resolve references when showing a DITA Map in the editor
DITAUniqueIDAssigner Assigns Unique IDs, used to create reusable content by the DITA action.
DocumentContentChangedEvent Event received by an AuthorListener when changes have been made in the content of the AuthorDocument.
DocumentContentDeletedEvent Event received by an AuthorListener when a deletion has been made in the content of the AuthorDocument.
DocumentContentInsertedEvent Event received by an AuthorListener when insertion have been made in the content of the AuthorDocument.
DocumentTypeCustomRuleMatcher Interface which can be implemented to provide custom matching to the document type it belongs to.
EditedAttribute Edited attribute information, like QName, element's QName and the proxy namespace mapping.
Extension The base interface for all Oxygen extensions classes.
ExternalObjectInsertionSources Drop and paste sources
OptionsStorage This interface should be used if Author extension level options need to be stored and retrieved.
StylesFilter Filter for the CSS stylesheet.
SWTExtension The base interface for all SWT Oxygen extension classes.
UniqueAttributesRecognizer Identifies unique attributes like ID's.
ValidatingAuthorReferenceResolver This resolver also validates the target

Class Summary
ArgumentDescriptor Descriptor class for an author operation argument.
AuthorCaretEvent AuthorCaretEvent is used to notify interested AuthorCaretListener that the position of the caret has changed in the Author editor page.
AuthorDocumentFilter AuthorDocumentFilter, is a filter for the methods which modify the AuthorDocument.
AuthorDocumentType Author structure representing DOCTYPE information as present in the Author document.
AuthorExtensionStateAdapter Adapter class for AuthorExtensionStateListener.
AuthorExtensionStateListenerDelegator A single Author extension state listeners which delegates to other registered listeners.
AuthorExternalObjectInsertionHandler This class is notified when URLs are dropped or pasted to an Author Editor page.
AuthorInputEvent Base class for Author input events.
AuthorListenerAdapter Convenience implementation of the AuthorListener.
AuthorMouseAdapter Empty implementation of the AuthorMouseListener.
AuthorMouseEvent Mouse event received by the AuthorMouseListener.
AuthorSchemaAwareEditingHandlerAdapter Adapter class.
ExtensionsBundle Abstract class representing a bundle for all extensions handlers.
OptionChangedEvent Represents an event which indicates that the value of an option has been changed.
OptionListener The listener which is notified about the value changes of an author extension level option.
WidthRepresentation Specifies the fixed and relative width determined from the value of width/colwidth attribute of the col.

Enum Summary
WidthRepresentation.Unit The fixed width unit.

Exception Summary
AuthorOperationException An exception thrown by an AuthorOperation when it fails.
AuthorOperationStoppedByUserException An exception thrown by an AuthorOperation when it interacts with the user and the user cancels it.
ExtensionException Exception thrown when errors occur during execution of the code from extension classes.
InvalidEditException Exception thrown by AuthorSchemaAwareEditingHandler methods when an edit is considered invalid and must be rejected.
InvalidXPathExtensionException Exception thrown when errors occur during execution of the XPath modes from the extension actions.
ValidatingReferenceResolverException Exception thrown if the source does not accept the target as a resolved reference

Oxygen XML Editor 12.2 Author API

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