Oxygen XML Editor 14.2 Author API

Package ro.sync.ecss.extensions.dita.topic.table.simpletable

Interface Summary
SimpleTableConstants Provides elements and attributes information used in DITA simple table model.

Class Summary
DeleteColumnOperation Operation used to delete a DITA simple table column.
DeleteRowOperation Operation used to delete a DITA simple table row.
DITASimpleTableDocumentTypeHelper Implementation of the document type helper for DITA simple table model
InsertColumnOperation Operation used to insert a DITA simple table column.
InsertRowOperation Operation used to insert a simple table row for DITA.
JoinCellAboveBelowOperation Operation for joining the content of two cells from adjacent rows, DITA simpletable implementation.
JoinRowCellsOperation This is the DITA simple tables implementation of the operation used to join the content of two or more cells from a table row.
SimpleTableCellSpanProvider This class is responsible for providing information about the DITA simple table cell spanning.

Oxygen XML Editor 14.2 Author API

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