Oxygen XML Editor 14.2 Author API

Interface InplaceEditingTraversalListener

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface InplaceEditingTraversalListener

Gets notified about focus traversal keys TAB and SHIFT-TAB. The next edit position will be computed and edititng will be started. If the editor is a SWING implementation it will only have to provide these notifications if it declares itself a focus cycle root using {Container#setFocusCycleRoot(boolean)}. Otherwise the author panel will intercept this cycle events and handle them automatically. If the editor is a SWT implementation it will have to add a org.eclipse.swt.events.TraverseListener and forward SWT.TRAVERSE_TAB_NEXT and SWT.TRAVERSE_TAB_PREVIOUS events.


EXPERIMENTAL - Subject to change

Please note that this API is not marked as final and it can change in one of the next versions of the application. If you have suggestions, comments about it, please let us know.

Method Summary
 void nextEditLocationRequested()
          The user requested the next editing location, usually by using the TAB key.
 void previousEditLocationRequested()
          The user requested the previous editing location, usually by using the SHIFT-TAB key.

Method Detail


void nextEditLocationRequested()
The user requested the next editing location, usually by using the TAB key.


void previousEditLocationRequested()
The user requested the previous editing location, usually by using the SHIFT-TAB key.

Oxygen XML Editor 14.2 Author API

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